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Monday, 10 September 2012

Sorry for the lack of posts recently.. but like many of you we have been engrossed with the success of the paralympics! Just before we get on to the main topic of today, we'd like to echo all of those comments and congratulate all of the Paralympian athletes that took part in the game, they were a true inspiration to all! 

Some of you may know that to show our support for Invisible Illness Awareness week (which is this week!) we are uploading a new blog post every day! So today's blog post is..

An Introduction

Many of you may have come across Invisible Illness Awareness Week (#iiwk12) but for those that haven't here is a quick recap. It is a week dedicated to raising awareness about invisible conditions. This week there is loads of stuff going on online which you can get involved with to help raise awareness!


1) Tweet @invisibleillwk with the hashtag #iiwk12 and help get Invisible Illnesses the recognition they deserve! 

2) Tune in to the virtual conferences on the Invisible Illness Week website!

3) Blog about the week and link it to their website where you can read other entries!

4) Like their Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/InvisibleIllnessWeek

5) Share this image:

There are many more ways in which you can get involved so make sure you check out their website and tune in here everyday this week from 10.00am BST to read our latest blog post about #iiwk12!

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