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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

I thought the blog needed a bit of a freshen up, a lick of paint so to speak. So I chose a new design.

What do you think?

You can alter the way the design looks by clicking on the classic, flipcard etc tabs!

This is your blog as much as mine so I'd love to know your thoughts. So drop us a comment!

Tweet us: @hideandseekid

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  1. Hi Abi! I just found your blog via the Rare Disease Day website. I've been clicking through their flickr feed and when I saw you had a blog I had to come check it out! I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome myself, fortunately a pretty mild form of the hypermobility type, I get bad joint pains and sprain easily but fortunately I've never had an actual dislocation. I love the blog, and I really like the features you've done on other patients with EDS.
    I blog about my other rare condition (I just have to be unique...), a very rare form of a benign brain tumour on my pituitary gland which produces thyroid-stimulating hormone. The blog's at pituitaryademoaner.blogspot.com if you're interested. I'm planning to post about Rare Disease Day next week :)

  2. p.s. I can't work out how to follow your blog! Sorry, it's probably me being stupid. Do you have that option enabled?

    1. Hi Emer! Glad you like the blog and it is good to hear that you are going to post about Rare Disease Day, nice job! Now you mention it, perhaps I accidentally disabled the button to follow the blog (oops) I'll try and sort that out and i'll follow your blog also! Thanks x
