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Friday, 17 January 2014

This week's blog post features HandiNews International a useful website for people with all kinds of disabilities. We asked them a few questions about what HandiNews is all about so that we can share them with you!

The Disabilities Meeting Place to Share and Help Each Other

What is HandiNews International?
HandiNews International is an online resource (website and social media) for ALL who are interested in disabilities, to share information and help each other.

How can HandiNews International help me and other disabled people?
HandiNews is a practical way for you to share your stories on our website and help each other - what you've accomplished, what you've learned, what resources you need, what services you might offer, and comment on what others have done. Everyday our Twitter platform brings you news about current disability issues, successes, and a lot more. Our tweets also tell you what's going on in our website - our viewers' latest stories, our featured news, our calendar of conferences, and links to useful resources.

What is HandiNews' aim?
HandiNews International's aim is to help us better our lives and the lives of each other, through sharing and caring, and to teach others to include and welcome us.

How can people like myself get involved with HandiNews International?
It's easy to get involved with HandiNews International. Just "follow" @HandiNews on Twitter, "friend" HandiNews International on Facebook, and bookmark our website. Then share your stories, information, resources, services, thoughts, comments and questions. We're inviting you! Help others, and help yourself!

Got an idea for a future post? Make sure you follow us on Twitter @hideandseekid, like our Facebook Page or email us - hideandseekid@hotmail.co.uk. The next post will go live on the blog on Friday 31st Jan. See you then!

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