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Saturday, 15 March 2014

Having just lost a close family member to a battle with cancer, i'd like to dedicate this week's post to the support and care that the Marie Curie nurses provide for those with terminal illnesses. The nurses and staff at Marie Curie have continually helped us as a family throughout this difficult time and for them to continue to help many more families in this situation they have launched 'The Great Daffodil Appeal' this March.

The Great Daffodil Appeal

Where will the money go?

“We need to raise £10,000 every hour of every day to carry on our work…

Marie Curie has 2,000 nurses in the UK and last year they worked for 1,300,000 hours caring for terminally ill patients, including half of all cancer patients who die at home.

We also have nine hospices and are the biggest provider of hospice beds outside the NHS. In total, Marie Curie spends over £93 million a year on its charitable activities of providing care as well as on research and development. The figure is overwhelming, but so is the comfort that the money can provide.” – Marie Curie

Throughout the whole of March, Marie Curie are hosting the Great Daffodil Appeal whereby they are asking people to make a small donation to this cause and wear a daffodil to show their support. Since I've been wearing mine, I've started noticing so many other people out and about, on the high street and in the shops wearing theirs and showing their support. 

So if you see a collector with a bucket this March, please consider throwing some of your spare change in and start sporting the daffodil! So that you can help the nurses care for more people with terminal illnesses.

Thank you for your support. x

If you would like to make an online donation you can do so via the Marie Curie website.

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