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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Yesterday, Saturday 21st April, I was part of a group of about 20 people that initiated a worldwide trend.

If we can get as much twitter coverage as possible on Friday 4th may and tweet with #invisibledisabilities we can help raise awareness about all the invisible conditions!

PLAN: At 6pm GMT on Friday 4th May tweet with #invisibledisabilities to raise awareness! Lets see how many people we can educate about our invisible conditions.

You can use this generic tweet: Help raise awareness about #invisibledisabilities! RT 

Or even better think of your own - including your invisible condition!

E.G. Helping to raise awareness about EDS and other #invisibledisabilities!

So with 12 days to go, let's get as many people as possible on board with this:
  •  tweet about the day
  •  send emails to charities that support your condition - get them on board.
  • Tell your friends and family
  • Retweet
But most importantly tweet #invisibledisabilties at 6pm on 4th may and see if we can get it trending!

The more people involved the more we can make a difference and raise awareness about #invisibledisabilities! 

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