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Friday, 10 May 2013

Our first #EDSawarenessmonth blog post is dedicated to the different types of EDS that people have. Although some are more common forms than others and many have overlapping symptoms and this is how the different types are considered and defined.

  • Classical - the skin is stretchy, soft, fragile and elastic. The joints are loose and flexible.
  • Hypermobility - the joints are noticeably loose, flexible and sometimes painful, particularly after exercise. Unlike with other types of EDS, the skin is virtually normal, except for easy bruising.
  • Vascular - this is the most severe type, as it means organs and blood vessels can easily burst.
  • Kyphoscoliotic - the spine is severely curved in childhood. 
  • Arthrochalasia - this causes short stature, fragile skin and joints that easily dislocate.
  • Dermatospraxis - the skin is doughy and wrinkly, and tends to sag and fold. This type is exceptionally rare, probably affecting fewer than five patients in the UK. 
  • Periodontal - this form resembles classical EDS, but also causes very fragile gums.
Information taken from the NHS website.


I know what you're asking now...

How can I get involved in helping to raise awareness about EDS?

Well first of all why not visit the Ehlers Danlos Support UK website and download their Awareness Month fundraising pack for some ideas.

Or alternatively send us your EDS stories and tell us how you're raising awareness and we'll feature it in one of our future blog posts. Email: hideandseekid@hotmail.co.uk. Next weeks post shall feature Jodie's Journey.

Here is how Natalia Carrasco is doing her bit, she's creating daily EDS facts and posting them online for us all to share. Please see our previous blog post for the first five facts:

Finally, on May 12th we shall be posting a special blog post dedicated to Fibromyalgia, a condition that a lot of EDS sufferers also have, to show our support for Fibromyalgia International Awareness Day! 

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