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Friday, 24 May 2013

As part of EDS awareness month many of you have been doing your bit by creating videos and putting them up online to share with others. There have been so many contributions so it has been really hard shortlisting some of our favourites to share with you but here they are!

British TV Soap Opera - Coronation Street: 

Cherylee Houston who plays Izzie Armstrong in Coronation Street suffers with EDS so when the EDS UK had chance to go and meet the cast they wasted no time in showcasing their support for the cause.

Your Videos:

This is a song called 'The Cure' which was created by a young girl called Kitty Richardson about her struggle with EDS.

This is a video created by  Heather or 'Zebra Wheels' as she's known in the community about her life with EDS.

Our Video Contribution: 

Here is a short film that we created to help raise awareness about invisible conditions!

Here is how Natalia Carrasco is trying to raise awareness, she's creating daily EDS facts and posting them online for us all to share. Please see our previous blog post for more facts:

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